"So it's like going through the Lincoln Tunnel in a sports car surrounded by 18-wheelers?" asked Lad Paul. Yes, indeed.
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We covered 73 miles today cruising at about 7.5 kts. That's just under nine miles an hour. Think your suggested speed in the Costco parking lot. If we were to go just one knot faster we'd consume almost twice the fuel, so what's the hurry?
This whole speed thing I find quite fascinating as there are varying cultures around boats which I find almost as curious as our national political divide. My first experience sailing with Richard 12+ years ago was aboard a 41 Bristol and we spent most of the weekend in a storm - sailing. Winds like that can cause a sailboat to heel (TIP) at quite an angle. Novice that I was, I truly loved it, which was a necessary outcome for a second date. And I was fascinated to hear him report to others later about our speed as 'screaming down the Bay'. 'Screaming' in a sailboat is about half the speed the little fishing boat I'd rent at Lake Okoboji would go, but all things are relative.
'Sailboat racing' is an oxymoron, in my view.
Now, I love sailing. The sailing part that is. Those moments when the wind lifts you through the water in sweet quiet and transports you to wherever she blows. It's heaven.
But here's what really happens. No matter what the plan of the day might be, the weather changes. And after the sail covers come off, then the sail ties, then the jib is unfurled and and the main sail is hoisted - all requiring great manual effort - the wind dies. Or shifts.
Our friends Beth Newbold and her husband Pat Winkler took their 56' Tazwell on an extended Caribbean cruise last winter and ended up motoring over 70% of the time.
So even though the Captain of my Heart is a sailor to his core he's no dummy. About the time the first AARP card arrived trawler thoughts started seeping into his consciousness....and here we are.
I'm a little nervous about taking Bel Sito into the ocean...but we'll wait a day or two here at Marina in Cape May until we have a perfectly calm sea.
Location:Cape May