The AIS is working (helps if we turn it on both topside and below) but we (make that Richard and Andy) remain stumped about the engine alternators....although RWG discovered a blown fuse in the engine room. Andy will be shipping replacements to NYC for us. Richard is learning a lot more about Caterpillar engines than he ever thought he'd need to know.
Cruising is not like a leisurely car trip where you simply turn the key in the ignition and go. And it truly does not matter if you spend $45,000 for a boat or $450,000. Something always needs fixing.
So here are some numbers for today.
We went 40% faster in in the ocean to get here before the storm and burned twice as much fuel.
As speed increases arithmetically, fuel consumption goes up exponentially. So unless you have a need for speed, going slow is a LOT cheaper.
It took 45 gallons of diesel fuel to go 40 miles.
Tomorrow we head north, perhaps the Manasquan Inlet or if we make good time and the weather cooperates we might make it to Sandy Hook.
Judge Leo Oxberger is a daily blog reader who offered a good tip about the $9.99 weekend Enterprise car rental rates.
Leo and his wife, Mona, lived aboard their boat for 10 years! The first five on a 40' Pacemaker from November to May returning to Iowa where he did senior judge work. The next 5 years they lived aboard Snug, a 36 ft Kadey Krogan Manatee. They cruised the Abacos Nov. to May then Florida up the ICW to various places such as Erie Canal, Rideau Canal to Quebec, Canada, the Champlain canal, Lake Champlain, St Lawrence Seaway and 1000 Islands.
Since 2004, they have lived in The Villages, Fl and left the driving to Holland America, cruising the world three times and are going again in January. Bet Leo doesn't miss crawling around a hot engine room!
BTW, Richard says 'Snug' is one of the all-time best boat names. Ever.