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This was a long, long day. We cleared the Abescon Inlet (Atlantic City) around 7:30 a.m and didn't get situated in a slip until around 8 p.m.
This is all new stuff for both of us, and I like that. Joining the sailing life relatively late I was always way behind my partner's 40-year learning curve and so I was constantly feeling like a dummy. RWG still knows a whole lot more about this stuff than I do but there's still a lot we are learning together.
Example, we interviewed trawler folks about whether they prefer heading into the wind or have it behind you? The advantage of having the wind behind is that it pushes you forward and saves fuel. The downside is the seas are a bit rougher. And now we know first-hand how true that is. I described the confused rocking motion when Bel Sito entered the Atlantic for the first time but today, heading into the north wind, it was much smoother.
We also need to get into a pattern of who does what...I'm gong to take over researching marinas now that I have a better sense of what to look for. Floaitng docks, pump out, water, trash, and laundry. Or better yet most days: a nice, free anchorage.
Richard does all mechanical stuff...you should see the engine room! Talk about intimidating!
Today's numbers report: 72 mile run in 9 hours...averaging 8 kts