Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Community Sing in Oak Bluff

What did we do today? The pressure is really on with this blog-task.

Another lobster for lunch, putting clean laundry in drawers? Ack. How to make it interesting!?

Actually, the highlight for the day was meeting Chuck and Ginnie Hurley, owners of a Sabreline 36' and from Annapolis. We came real close to buying that make and model of trawler and if we hadn't found Bel Sito might very well be blogging right now from their sister ship. We still hope someone in our extended 'family' buys her. She's a real beauty:

Luck of the Irish

When we saw their boat pull in and take a mooring ball in Oak Bluff Harbor, we dinghyed over to say howdeedo. They've been on their boat since June so we had tons of questions, and much in common past and present.

They are full of information about cruising New England and beyond and we hope to duplicate some of their experiences.

Ah, what to do in Oak Bluff on a Wednesday night besides talk of anchorages and boat maintenance? Why go to the Methodist Tabernacle for the final all-camp sing of the season, of course! The Hurley's went with us and we all tried mightily to stand and sit and march our feet and salute and and and and, but we four novices were just not in sync with the regulars.

With the exception of 'Amazing Grace', 'Auld Lang Syne' and 'Good Night Irene', I didn't know any of the songs and it went on for over an hour.

Here's a video clip from the singathon:

I hope the link is live ( I'm filing this from the iPad blogger app, not the computer.

Anyway, that's all for now. All that singing has worn me out.

- Posted by Julie Gammack using BlogPress from my iPad

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